Category Archives: Profits

Profits Continue More than Ever to be King

We live in stragtegic and difficult times. When the pressure to perform is at and all time high this is a difficult and troublesome trend that does not bode well for the future. There is in effect so much pressure that it is nearly impossible to do your job, let alone reach goals.

This is not a new trend, it is however more urgent and more demanding than ever before. Employers know they do not have to be fair and that they can turnover an entire office and feel confident that they can fill positions in a heart beat. That is the crux of the situation. Compassion for employees has literally gone out the window.

So profits are king at the expense of everyone and everything else. Of course there are no hard feelings. We care about you, but you must understand this is merely business.

New York Post Cartoon Is Insensitive

The New York Post  cartoon is in a word disturbing, and brings up subtle connotations that cannot be tolerated.  This cannot and should not be tolerated from a media outlet, much less a newspaper. It brings up images of  old Jim Crow rules and serve to remind Americans  that there is still need for work in the way of racial insensitivity.

Yes, the Post should be  reprimanded and held accountable for their irresponsible journalistic behavior.  It is no excuse Post editors would approve a cartoon of this nature.  Beyond the rhetoric and verbal nonsense coming from Post officials lets call it what it is…… racist. It is what it is!

Republicans Are Holding Up Progress

Republicans continue to be Republicans. You know, same old story, no taxes, less spending. They never care about people who are struggling, who have been laid off, no job. Perhaps Republican don’t know what it means to be laid off. They don’t   know what it means to be in danger of losing their house. They don’t know what it means to be targeted to lose their jobs, because they can always go to somewhere else and get another job.

The America people have spoken. They want the stimulus plan. Republicans as usual stand in the way of progress.  Republicans got us into this mess, now they are holding up progress.

President Elect Obama Broadcast His Weekly Radio Address On U-Tube

President- Elect Barack Obama utilized U-Tube, in addition to radio to broadcast his Saturday Morning Radio address. The use of U-Tube Message is a ground breaking historic way to address the American People.  Previous presidents have used Radio as the only means to distribute this message.  This is groundbreaking in that it is the first time a president has ever used U-Tube for a weekly radio address. As of today over 550,000 have view the first ever U-Tube message.  The is just one more in a series of Obama innovations and there are sure to be more to come.  Click here to view Obama’s U-Tube Message Saturday, November 15.

McCain’s Violent Temper From People Who Know

Would you want John McCain answering the phone at 3 AM in the morning. How about 10 AM in the Morning? Or maybe 3 PM in the afternoon? The point is you probably would not want him answering the phone at all. He is erratic, has a legendary violent temper and has used it against both men and women. Yet people are seriously considering voting for him.Check out this U-Tube Video from people who have witnessed his violent outburst.

Media Taking Notice Of Palin’s Attacks Against Obama

The media has begun to take notice over this barrage of attacks that the Palin Campaign has unleashed on Barack Obama. It is dangerous and filled with hate and bigotry. It is safe to say that Palin and McCain have opened themselves up to scrutiny as being bigots. A Chicago Tribune columnist, weigh in her opinion of the attacks. Read the link below for more information.

Chicago Tribune’s Article of Palin’s vicious attacks

Bail Out Passed In Senate

The Senate stood up to the plate and passed the bail out bill. It is a bill that appears to be the right thing to do. It will keep the economy going. Open up credit lines and give America a chance to breathe. So now it time for the Congress to pass this legislation. It is all about credit ratings and the individual consumers ability to get car loans, home loans, and business loans. It is better to be proactive, because in the long run it affects Main Street Americans, who simply want to make a living and make an honest wage.

So not matter what we think about the Bail Out, our country is in crises and we must do something about it. By being proactive and not reactive. By getting out in front of this measure we give ourselves a chance to win as a country. Senator Obama and McCain both were in Washington to come together with other Senators to pass this bill. It is a measure for Main Street, not for Wall street. It unfreezes the credit market and gets America back to work again.

The Senate, both Republicans and Democrats, made it possible for all parties to come together to pass this credit life saving bill. The credit crunch, the instability of the Dow and Wall Street were at stake. The Senate helped restore the confidence and optimism and belief that America can be on it feet again. So we have a chance now and it is time for America to go to work together to bail the country out of this economic mess.

Obama’s Consistent Message On The Economy Pays Off

The tide appears to be changing for Barack Obama. Throughout the primary campaign he has focused on key issues and specific campaign standards that have proved to be key that have placed him in a position to capitalize on possible game changing occurrences.

Obama has hammered home his stance on domestic issues from the start, even though domestic issues were not always the primary issues concerning voters. The primary issue of the month often changed concerning voters. Ranging from the war in Iraq, lipstick on a pig, the number of homes McCain has, to Sarah Palin and the first dude, Todd Palin.

But lurching behind the scene, ever presence was Obama’s view on the economy. Something that was not on the minds of many Americans. But last week out of no where with the onset of the bail out crises, Obama constant theme of tax cuts for 95% of Americans suddenly was thrust front and center.

Now Americans are taking notice to his constant message, because of fustration with the way Republicans have handled the bailout crises. Americans are looking for change and because of Obama’s consistent message he is seen as the candidate best able to handle the American economy.

More political news at Harbor News Post…………………

Republican Presidents Have A History of Overseeing Economic Disaster

Let’s call it what it is. Sleazy Republicans! They know they lie and they tell you to your face that they are liars. Admittedly the lipstick thing is a total fabrication by the Republicans. They are all talk, propaganda, and rhetoric. Republicans are empty suits. They can’t discuss issues because they don’t stand for anything of substance. Ask a Republican what they will do for you and you get generalities. No taxes, less government, etc. They have the same tired message and it is a recipe for disaster.

All one has to do is look at the Republican Presidential administrations since the 1920’s. Calvin Coolidge oversaw  prohibition and gangsters literally hijacking the country. Soon after  his Republican counterpart was elected, Herbert Hoover,  we saw the absolute worst depression in American history.   America was virtually destitute.    It took a Democrat, Franklin Roosevelt, to get America out of the most enormous economic mess this country as ever witnessed.   That makes two failed Republican administrations  prior to Roosevelt. If you count Warren G. Harding; its three.

Enter Franklin Roosevelt a Democrat, who was elected four terms to the office of the Presidency  by the American people.   Roosevelt led America through the Great Depression.   He authored, sponsored, and put through the New Deal, which put American’s back to work.   At a time when Republican Presidents had many Americans jumping out of windows, because of the bad news on Wall Street.  By the way in case you need to be reminded,  the stock market crashed in 1933.

Roosevelt’s legacy still lives, because we still have social security, and Republicans and Democrats alike still benefit from Roosevelt’s creation.  Social Security was designed to give American’s something to fall back on in their retirement years  because they had nothing when Republicans were in office.

Not only that, Roosevelt led America through World War II.  A War  fought on two fronts, when America was ill prepared to fight the war.   Still Roosevelt brought time to build up the military fighting machine and liberated and defeated the Axis Powers, Germany, Italy and Japan.   Due to failing health, Roosevelt died and Harry Truman another Democrat ended the war with Japan by releasing the Atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.   Japan soon surrendered after suffering untold losses;  220,000 people died as a direct result of those two attacks. Thousand more died from the effects of the only nuclear weapon ever dropped.    It ended the most dreadful war in the history of mankind.

Enter Dwight Eisenhower, Commander of Allied forces in Europe, and orchestrator of D-Day.  Eisenhower oversaw America as it tried to get back to work.  Eisenhower, a republican moderate,  served two terms in the White house.

John Kennedy,  a Democrat, brought style and grace to the White House in the face of turmoil.  The problem of  Viet Nam was inherited by Kennedy from the Eisenhower administration.   After the French abandoned Viet Nam, Kennedy sought to minimize the Communist threat to South Viet Nam, through diplomacy and sponsoring a puppet government. Viet Nam along with the Bay of Pigs were two of Kennedy’s greatest failures.   On the social front Kennedy put in place what would become the two most sweeping laws in history, the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Right Act. Both far reaching laws that continue even today.  Lyndon Johnson,  to his credit,  took up the Kennedy fight after his assassination and steered both laws  through the congress and senate.   both were sweeping, landscape changing laws.

Perhaps you see a pattern here. When Republicans are in office, noting happens.   Big business prospers from tax breaks and perks, while the average American, just makes due.  It happened during the Republican administration of  Calvin Coolidge’s,  Republican Herbert Hoover’s administration, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and his son George W. Bush. Nothing happens good for the average American during Republican administrations; nothing!  If anything; probably disaster.

Now we come to the biggest crook of them all Richard Nixon. You all know the story, Nixon resigned from office in disgrace, because of the Watergate scandal, the first American president to do so. Only one other American president was threatened to be impeached; Andrew Johnson, he dodged impeachment.    Excuse  the omission, Bill Clinton, a Democrat  also dodged the impeachment bullet .

Nixon was followed by Gerald Ford, a Republican, who took office by default after Nixon was forced to resign. Ford’s best accomplishment? Pardoning Richard Nixon. That really helped the American people!

I want discuss the Reagan years because quite frankly nothing good happened during those years. He was an actor. He had a stage, perhaps summer stock. Reagan was a great actor.    He took care of big business, which is what Republicans do. You see “That’s The Way They Roll“.

George H.W. Bush #1 carried on after the  Reagan years and started a war with Iraq, which he did not finish. That’s Bush #1’s  legacy. Then we come to George W. Bush (Bush#2). He’s is absolutely one of the worst Presidents ever. He’s probably should be rated the  number three  worst president behind Calvin Coolidge and the number one worst president ever, Herbert Hoover.   All Republicans.

Now given this information, knowing the McCain has not articulated his stand on any issues, who also picked an unqualified  vice presidential candidate in  Sarah Palin, who has absolutely no business being the Republican Vice Presidential candidate, how can either one of them be considered to lead this country?   Trust me,  we are looking at one more Republican disaster if McCain/Palin are elected. We have plenty of case stories to look at to insure it does not happen. The best  predictor of future behavior is to look back at past behavior.

Palin is A Marketing Brand for Republicans

Sarah Palin is a diversion for the Republicans. She has appeared on numerous magazine covers, People, Time, Newsweek, you name it. Magazine covers cannot talk, but pictures say a thousand words. It is the Republican strategy to expose her, but don’t allow her to be interviewed by the National media, she will melt down if she does.

The Republicans are also trying to distance themselves from George Bush. They kept him away from the convention. He spoke by satellite at their convention. McCain, has made no comments on the economy. Instead they have attacked Obama’s inexperience. They has stolen Obama’s change slogan, if the slogan was no good, why are the Republicans trying to us it? As a matter of fact they have emulated everything they can about Obama. They are branding Sarah Palin. The republicans are offering a Sarah Palin doll. She also she now Sarah the Riveter. She is a marketing brand with no substance. It like a simple minded 1930 movie, filmed on a Hollywood back lot.

You all know the plot and how it ended. Usually no cigar at the end.

Their trump card, at least they think it is; Sarah Palin. She is nothing but a photo opportunity. Someone to distract the American Voter away from George Bush. It appears to be working. We know nothing about Sarah Palin, but much is coming out about her.

Palin made her first blunder on the campaign trial. Palin claimed that the lending giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mac “had gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers”. This is a huge blunder. The truth is Fannie Mac and Freddie Mac are privately funded companies. The government takeover, may result in a taxpayer bailout. You must understand Palin is an empty suit. “The lights are on, but no body’s home.”

If she does not know about the mortgage crises and who the key players are, how can we expect her to lead this country when it matters? This is just one example of her ineptitude. There will be many many more.

We only have 60 days before the election. Remember that George Bush and the Republicans got us into this mess and don’t fall for the PR antics of McCain and Palin. Look for answer to key questions on the economy and other issues of the day. Palin in not ready for prime time.