Tag Archives: America

The Deal- On Uncomfortable

  • Have you ever found yourself viewing a potential new hire as not quite good enough? Have you every found yourself saying, that you know a person, he a good person and everyone seems to like him, but somehow you just don't like him. You have no reason, he's certainly been nice to you, but you just can't accept him. Is this you, do you find yourself feeling uncomfortable about this person, yet have no reason? Is this person of another race, black, asian, latino? Does skin color sometime make you feel uneasy? Is this you?
  • What is it that bugs you about the person? You know he does good work, he is polite with everyone. No one has a bad thing to say about him, but you just don't like him. Others in your circle of friends feel the same way, however is anyone in your circle of friends like this minority. Yeah but you say I have an asian friend and a black friend that I talk to each day at work. In your mind this gets you off the hook, why, because you talk to a minority at work so that makes you all inclusive. Never mind that you don't have these individuals in your life other than brief encounters at work.
  • Yeah but, I give to minority causes , like starving children in Africa……well said! Do you often say…”I know I don't have minority friends in my life, because they are unapproachable.” Do you feel bad about your feelings? I doubt if you would say no, because every now and then, it bothers you. You know why? Because God is convicting you for your dislike of a person, for literally no reason. He is convicting you for not reaching out right here at home to a minority and not hide behind your feelings by donating to African relief, primarily beacuse it make you feel better.
  • I'm just saying! Everyone needs to feel a little uncomfortable from time to time……. it for a specific purpose.



Trump Is A Distraction

Donald Trump continues his assault on President Obama, to produce his birth certificate.  He even accused Obama of faking his Harvard degree. Trump claims none of  Obama’s classmates even remember him. Perhaps Trump’s toupee has clouded his senses.  It’s all an act. Trump is good at that, he’s banking that enough people will buy into this nonsense to elect him president.  Trust me, it is nonsense, but there aren’t  enough people out there who will pause and give lip services to these ridiculous  accusations.

Right now, Donald Trump is nothing but a distraction and he can’t be taken seriously.

In Fighting Between King Family Tarnishes King Legacy

The fight between Bernice and Martin Luther King III vs their Brother Dexter King continues. The three King siblings have been fighting over family memoirs and documents since the death of their Mother Coretta King a few years ago. It is a sad commentary that America’s premier Civil Right Family is embroiled in a a fight over who has the right to the personal intimate documents of Coretta King. At issue is $1.4 million book deal that Dexter signed to publish the memoirs of Coretta Scott King.

Bernice and Dexter King refused to release these documents to Dexter, who signed a book deal with a book Publisher to publish Mrs. King’s Memoirs. This has become a power struggle between the siblings. Bernice and Martin III vs Dexter. This is not the first time they have butted heads regarding the King Estate. A Georgia Judge ruled that Bernice and Martin III must turn over the documents and any party failing to turn over the documents will be subject to sanctions, which could include jail time.

It is totally a travesty that the King Legacy is tarnished by his own family and by this in family fighting. His legacy belongs to more people than just the immediate King siblings, it belongs to America, a point the King children should give serious and sincere thought.

Sarah Palin’s View Of America is Too Narrow To Lead This Country

Sarah Palin has her nerve. This is your America and my America. Sarah Palin does not have the luxury to define her vision of America and who is patriotic and who is not. Yet Palin was on the campaign trail saying that different parts of the country mirror her vision of America. This statement was to the exclusion of other parts of the country that she perceived as being opposite to her viewpoint.

Although Palin later refuted and clarified that all America mirrored her beliefs.  This largerly because Joe Biden called her on  her original statement.  Perhaps one could say that this was Sarah Palin being Sarah Palin. Basically being incompetant.  Only a few days ago Palin made a similular comment about Barack Obama;

“This is not a man who sees America like you and I see America,” she said. “We see America as a force of good in this world. We see an America of exceptionalism.” …Sarah Palin.

This statement was made only a few days of the campagin trail. The probem is Sara Palin’s view of America is not a broad, diverse one. She has not been exposed to what America is all about.  It is a diverse country, not a country dominated by one idealogy, but one that is diverse. We as American’s do not have the luxury of picking and choosing our country,our states, or the people who inhabit it.  That is  what makes  America great; its diversity.

Sarah Palin Attacks Obama-Apparently Knows the Pulse of America

Sarah Palin talked about how Obama does not see America the way people she knows see America.

“This is not a man who sees America like you and I see America,” she said. “We see America as a force of good in this world. We see an America of exceptionalism.” …Sarah Palin

The question is who is she talking about. Just what group of people does Sarah Palin thinks she speaks for?

This country is a very diverse country. The last time I checked it did not belong to one group of people. So we need to question Sarah Palin;  exactly what did she mean? Why did she make the comments? Who was she speaking for?

Did Sarah Palin conduct a poll to get a feel for how America feels about the issues? Does she really know how any of us see America? It is very presumptuous for someone from Alaska, to somehow think she has insight on the pulse of America. That she would have a clue on how a diverse America thinks on the issues.

It is odd how someone who only a week ago could not name any publication that she regularly read when asked in a CBS interview. Yet this is the same woman who has suddenly taken to the the apparent lost art of reading. And what a contrast! Her  known reading list; a Starbucks Cup and the New York Times article on a sixties radical. Yes it is the same New York Times, in which John McCain called the most liberal publication in America. Which brings into question why McCain, would pick a liberal like Palin as his running mate.

So it is safe to say that Sarah Plain sees the world as other Liberals. If that is the case then Sarah Palin is lying to the America Public, she not a conservative, she is a liberal and probably a Democrat in disguise, because she read the “Liberal New York Times”.

Maybe she not like most Americans, because most Americans are truthful. And she is truly Un-American by trying to distract us Americans by diverting from the issue of a failing economy and how they (McCain and Palin) propose to fix it.

Bail Out Passed In Senate

The Senate stood up to the plate and passed the bail out bill. It is a bill that appears to be the right thing to do. It will keep the economy going. Open up credit lines and give America a chance to breathe. So now it time for the Congress to pass this legislation. It is all about credit ratings and the individual consumers ability to get car loans, home loans, and business loans. It is better to be proactive, because in the long run it affects Main Street Americans, who simply want to make a living and make an honest wage.

So not matter what we think about the Bail Out, our country is in crises and we must do something about it. By being proactive and not reactive. By getting out in front of this measure we give ourselves a chance to win as a country. Senator Obama and McCain both were in Washington to come together with other Senators to pass this bill. It is a measure for Main Street, not for Wall street. It unfreezes the credit market and gets America back to work again.

The Senate, both Republicans and Democrats, made it possible for all parties to come together to pass this credit life saving bill. The credit crunch, the instability of the Dow and Wall Street were at stake. The Senate helped restore the confidence and optimism and belief that America can be on it feet again. So we have a chance now and it is time for America to go to work together to bail the country out of this economic mess.