The Day I Met Muhammad Ali

The Day I Met Muhammad Ali

It was a spring day in 1966 in Louisville, Kentucky. It was a typical day, but this day was special, a friend of mine knocked on our front door I was 12 years old at the time. My friend said that Muhammad Ali was up the street on the corner kissing babies and talking trash as Muhammad Ali often did, particularly when he was home in his home town, hugging babies, telling stories and just holding court and having a great time in his home town, this was a special day. I did not know Ali personally however, just to have the opportunity to shake his hand was absolutely one of the outstanding days of my life. I’m now 61 years of age and I still remember that day.

It was a great day, an impactful day for me. Ali was my idol such a long time ago. Ali came along during a time when America was in a transistion of sorts. The civil rights movement was in full force, Ali would eventually declare as a Conscientious Objector to the Vietnam war. The Vietnam war was in full force, yet Ali stood up for his beliefs.  He was simply a great, great man, his stories and 

personality will live on and so will his legacy. Rest in piece Muhammad, Muhammad Ali.

The Deal- My Rock



Dear Lord,

You are more than a friend, you are my rock in all situations. I can call on you constantly Lord, for you are my shield, the power that not only leads me, but saves me. I can rely on you and call on you in my place of comfort  that you created for me, anytime or any place.

I will continue to call on you for you are my shield, the power that guides and saves me. I know that I can always call on you, for you are my place of safety.  Thank you for saving me from my enemies and for guiding me and for being my rock!



How To Confront Challenges In Your Life


 We face tremendous odds on a daily, continuous basis. Our problems become obstacles that we need to overcome; that is our faith challenge. Nothing but the love of Jesus Christ can give us what we need to face the unknown and not be blindsided by the sudden confrontation, manufactured by this fallen world.

Our determination to live Christian lives is measured by our faith meter. That is; how rich is our faith and how prepared are we to live above our circumstances? That is our challenge. God never told us that the journey would be easy. He never told us that we would not face sickness, turmoil, or adversity. If we live long enough we will be challenged! In fact He said that we would have these things in our lives on a daily basis. Chances are if we took inventory of the many things that confront our existence, we would have our fill of life’s adversities.

There are effective ways that we can pro-actively deal with conflict and adversity in our lives.

1.) Face it directly– do not shy away from challenges but face them with a spirit of prayer. Isolating the core of the challenge to effectively identify how to approach it and how to resolve , and perhaps fix it; removes it’s impact on our lives.

2.) Schedule a time to deal with it. It is important that you do not confront a problem when you are least prepared to deal with it. The problem must be assessed and your mind must to clear and prepared to deal with both negative and positive responses. Some challenges and adversity are on going; that is when we must learn to nurture and grow our faith, which allows us to step away from the challenge and to live above it. God give us more faith as we grow in His word. That is our shield. Read the Bible daily to nurture and move your faith up to the top of the faith meter.

3.)Refuse to enable inappropriate behavior. You must know that sometimes you are faced with with behavior that is inappropriate and not from God. We must acknowledge it; but do not condone it. Know that we live in a fallen world; that in itself explains all the decadence and sinfulness that permeates society. We will be challenged. Confront the challenge armed with God’s word as your reference and your guide. God’s word is your amour and your strength.

4.) Use the Challenge as an opportunity to grow.Recognize that each challenge is an opportunity to grow and to increase  your.

5. Don’t dwell on the conflict or problem. Once you have addressed the problem give it to the Lord. Let Him carry the ball.  Let it go, you’ve done all you can. Let God do the rest.  There is no problem too big for God to handle. Remember He’s already conquered the world through Jesus Christ!

The Deal- Be Strong And Of Good Courage


 Everything we have belongs to God.  God is the ultimate source of our wealth and everything we have, want, or need. When you begin to understand this  principle you can give back to the Lord your time, trust, resources, or any area that you feel so moved. God will in turn give back to you by putting wonderful people in your life, to give you hope. Stay focused on God and remember to give thanks and honor to Him everyday. 

This verse was quoted in Hoosiers. The scene where the minister prayed before Coach Dale’s first game.  It applies to your  life as well………………………. Joshua 1: 7- 10-  “Be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do all the law that Moses has given you (The law given to Moses from God, the Ten Commandments); do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.  (God wants us to  prosper).  This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage: do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

The Deal- God’s Word



When God created our little part of the world. We learned to understand, His purpose. Yes that’s why we are here, the uptmost lesson to live  our life , and grow in his word.  To understand the essence of it all is the point of why we’re here. God did not make it easy for sure, He wants us to understand and cherish the reality, that this is His universe, His little part of it all and it is up to us to understand our place, our part in growing in His word.

That my friend is what it is all about to grow in His word, understand and know God and that His Son, Jesus Christ did the hard work for us on Calvary. Now we are totally free and have eternal life.  That my friend is what it is all about…… Growing in His word and knowing that we have a friend in Jesus. That is our mission in our little part of the world, to spread his word and to know His Son. When we do that through acknowledgement of  Him, we please and honor Him within the Chaos in our little part of God’s world.

Super Delegate- A Huge Scam- On the Democratic Side

We should not discount this, However to be Frank.  The cards were stacked against Bernie Sanders and most certainly favor Hillary Clinton.   Before we get started, I do not support Hillary Clinton and I will leave it at that. I am a Bernie Sanders supporter.  Most certainly on the Democratic side the system is rigged in Hillary Clinton’s favor. You know when staunch Republicans like Joe Scarbourough has much sympathy for Bernie, you know those who support Hillary are mildly misinformed. You can’t blame Hillary for this, she knows how to play the game and she is playing it to her advantage.

If you take a look at the electorial map in New York, it is easy to see how the map is rigged in favor of the  establishment Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.  Especially when Hillary Clinton carried only a few counties in New York. Too bad, that so many Americans on the Democratic side have been hoodwinked and Bamboozled to support Mrs. Clinton.  However you must have an open mind.  Her record is clear and the facts speak for themselves. 

Not only is the Super Delegate system flawed however when one of the Koch Brothers is willing to support Hillary Clinton (Charles Koch). He actually said that he could see himself supporting Hillary Clinton, that shows how flawed a candidate Hillary Clinton really is. America the system is flawed. Democrats the system is flawed.  When the Koch brothers admit they could support her, then the question is DEMOCRATS, what are you doing supporting Hillary?   African American’s you are being hoodwinked and bamboozled.    She is not on our side. She is buying the White House on the backs of African Americans who support her.   You can’t blame her, she is taking huge advantage of a misinformed electorate.  This elections highlights, Hillary Clinton rides African American support to the White House. However after one year the headlines will read, Hillary Clinton lets down the African American electorate who elected her.                                                                                                                           

Prince A Musical Icon and Genius


Every once in a while God presents our universe with a talented indiviual.  Prince is  the embodiment of a musical generation filled with God given talent.  We often cannot resist the urge to rank musical  genius  in billboard record style. To be honest this does a disservice to musicians who labored tirelessly to perfect their craft.   However that is an overly simple formula that in the end taints the reality that Prince was God’s gift to our universe.  That is how we  will remember him. 

He was born to perform the way he did because it was pre-destined.  We lost a gigantic musical soul today, no doubt, however his work will live on and the countless people that he influenced, musicians and fans alike will alway have  his music  to cherish. He joins a Hall of Fame lineup of musical icons who have passed on and made their mark , but more importantly left their legacy and paved the way to musical excellence. It is up to all of us to keep his  legacy alive.

Prince  spanned many generations in his nearly 57 years on this earth and he had a right to be proud and honored to leave his work for future generations to enjoy.  We lost a legend today, however we gained a little more than that. We can still enjoy the dynamic music and vision that Prince  leaves to the universe…… May you Rest In Peace! Your music and vision will continue to live on!

Feel The Bern

The Power of The Dream, Feel The Bern!!

When your bills are more than you take in…………..Feel it, Fill The Bern!

When trouble seems to follow you like  a bad, bad, dream…………………Feel it, Feel the Bern!

When you’re at a loss to understand what it’s like to stand along………………Feel the Bern!

When God gives you that extra push that you never knew you had…………Feel it, Feel the Bern!

When you’re filled with compassion and care for everyone…………Feel it, Feel the Bern!

When politicians promise the moon and deliver a discarded  card………..Feel it, Feel the Bern!

When the dream is at your doorstep, Dream big………….believe it, and Feel the Bern!

Just shout out Feel The Bern!


If You Live In New York Vote for Bernie Sanders On April 19th.


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