The Deal- God’s Word



When God created our little part of the world. We learned to understand, His purpose. Yes that’s why we are here, the uptmost lesson to live  our life , and grow in his word.  To understand the essence of it all is the point of why we’re here. God did not make it easy for sure, He wants us to understand and cherish the reality, that this is His universe, His little part of it all and it is up to us to understand our place, our part in growing in His word.

That my friend is what it is all about to grow in His word, understand and know God and that His Son, Jesus Christ did the hard work for us on Calvary. Now we are totally free and have eternal life.  That my friend is what it is all about…… Growing in His word and knowing that we have a friend in Jesus. That is our mission in our little part of the world, to spread his word and to know His Son. When we do that through acknowledgement of  Him, we please and honor Him within the Chaos in our little part of God’s world.

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