Tag Archives: the deal

The Deal- The Journey



You know the snow seems to constantly fall, in Boston, In the Northeast, in Western New York, just about everywhere. Sort of a reflection of our journey. We often stop to take in the sites, and wonder where the next road will lead us. Funny how are route often gives us an insight or a thought that we never considered, yet we embark on our journey, with a destination, anticipation, but never expecting a revelation. That is the the beauty of the journey. Enjoy your journey, God may have a thought for you. Bless Him for it.



The Deal- On History


I cannot understand when anyone says they have no interest in history. Everything we are and everything we will become is rooted in history. We cannot escape our past even if we wanted to. Americans have a tendency to sweep things way under the rug. Not deal with it and hope that things conveniently disappear. Of course life is not like that.

We often wonder why things are the way they are, but we fail to look where answers lie, in the past. Where we evolve in the future is rooted in our past. If we ignore the past, we are bound to repeat it. That is why we cannot for one minute reject history or any effort to understand where we’ve been.


The Deal- God Is Our Only Hope


Nothing on this earth remains the same. As you well know, that includes us. We change like the wind, depending on our motivation and sometimes events that have absolutely nothing to do with us. That is the worldly experience. We are not shielded from misfortune or fortune. We are not sure of future events and we can’t predict them.

You see we have very little control of our circumstances or where we are headed. Granted we can control what we can. We try not to make things difficult on ourselves by making bone headed decisions. We have the Holy Bible (The Word) to guide us. Help us to navigate the system. God is our guide, our resources and strenght. Stay as close to Him as you can. God is our only hope.


The Deal- Know Jesus !!



We turn to everything and everyone for advice. However we neglect or fail to understand that we need to turn to the ultimate source for everything you need in the area of advice. That is Jesus Christ. Typically many of you may feel that Christianity thing is not your bag. Yeah, that's not hard to understand, especially when you are held captive by the lure of this world.

I not going to deceive you that is not my purpose. But here's the deal. The only way to clean up your life and feel good about yourself and live a clean spirit fueled life is to know Jesus Christ and not this world. This world is controlled by the enemy, also known as satan. If you are following him, you're doomed. If your ticket is punched on his train you are heading for eternal damnation.

Do you really want to spend the rest of your eternal existence in hell with him?? If you die and you have not asked Jesus to come into your life while you're living that is your destination my friend.

However, If you ask Jesus to become an intimate part of your life and seek to learn more about His word in the Holy Bible, you can receive all the benefits of this magnificent blessing that Christ gave all of us that day a long time ago on Calvary. There He gave His Life for us and forgave any sin that we have committed by word, thought, and in deed. Pray to Jesus today and ask! God gave His only Son Jesus so you will not be part of the enemy's sinful world. All you have to do is ask Jesus To Come into your life.

Be sure to buy a good study Bible that include commentary for understanding. This will help you grow in the word. The Life Application Bible is a great study bible to start with. Also be sure to check out The Deal series included on this blog.

May God bless and keep you through his Son Jesus Christ.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

John 3:16



The Deal- Compassion

Compassion is an elusive thing, an attribute that we are hard pressed to exhibit. Once your ability or desire to show it or deliver it leaves you, you are lost and fall short of who God wants you to be.


  1. a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.

The Deal


The Deal- Layoffs and Certain Trends

Often we glance at symbols that remind us of our journey. It is like an inner blueprint that defines our existence and shines a light on where we are going. Little do we realize that our steps are ordered craft-fully to ensure that we will reach our destination. Stay in tune, clear your mind and listen.

It is interesting to look back on the day when the workforce was healthy and alive. Layoffs were a mere pipe dream and progress was an unspoken reality. Yes we were full of oursleves and yes we strived to be. We knew we were all that and a bag of chips. Yes we were.

But in the the course of our reality we learned that we are not at all immune from the dread disease called layoffs. Yes that is the new norm, the new trend that knocked on our door unannounced and literally took over our homes in prime time no less. That is our reality now. It is a house guest that want even think about leaving and yes, we simply cannot get this one guest to leave.

No need to call the swat team, this is like a disease strain on steroids, controlled by free thinkers the likes of which we have never seen. I' m continually amazed by it. Survivors know how to navigate despite the onslaught of an enemy that we don't understand.


The Deal- Baggage

There's hope even when we feel discouraged. This situation did not work out, someone you knew let you down, you just can't trust people! You pride yourself in being a survivor, You can really analyze any situation, because You know. You're all that and a bag of chips. I'm special, no on else on earth is like me.

Don't kid yourself and certainly don't eat to much “Full of it Pie”, it will deliver much more than a stomach ache. How about heart ache, and it's not a beautiful thing! Do yourself a favor and drop the higher than thou attitude…………too much to carry in your back pack. Yeah this baggage can pull you down.

Check it out, you ain't all that! The evil one is spreading lies. The antidote is the WORD, don't leave home without it. It 's more powerful than frequent flyer miles.

It's your ticket to a better place, find it!