The Deal- How to face a challenge

Convergence of Relevant Stuff


We face tremendous odds on a daily continuous basis. Our problems become obstacles that we need to overcome; these obstacles challenge our faith. Nothing but the love of Jesus Christ can give us what we need to face the unknown and not be blindsided by a sudden confrontation manufactured by this fallen world.

Our determination to live Christian lives is measured by our faith meter. That is; how rich is our faith and how prepared are we to live above our circumstances? That is our challenge. God never told us that the journey would be easy. He never told us that we would not face sickness, turmoil, or adversity. If we live long enough we will be challenged! In fact he said that we would have these things in our lives on a daily basis. Chances are if we took inventory of the many things that confront our existence, we…

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The Deal- Maybe It Is

Convergence of Relevant Stuff


Like the course that charts our summer’s day we float through life from bad times to good.

Swaying and gliding as we go on our way, we pass between those opposite points that explain exactly where we have been.

Oh life, our life has drifted on and made a path at each check point, reviewed, approved and then passed on to points not seen, but close, oh so near.

Winter’s come and summer go, renewing the the spirits of fall and spring.

The turmoil is with us, turmoil is near us, but we say Glory, Glory be to the Father for the  journey.


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